Monday, June 23, 2014


Like finding a seed on the ground and planting it, then excitedly getting ready for Orange juice. Fertilizing the soil to a perfect pH level for Oranges, buying a squeeze press to make fresh squeezed Orange Juice, planning a piece of your yard to host the tree, where it's conveniently located next to the door closest to the breakfast table...

...but the seed you've planted is for an apple tree, the soil pH was too high/low for apple tree's so the thing looks withered, the smell of rotting apples is overwhelming in the morning next to where you eat breakfast and the orange press you bought just takes up space.

Learn to wait, the tree will let you know what kind of tree it is when it's ready.

Friday, June 20, 2014


...I asked her about it, she said, "...that was manufactured to keep women in submission (in ancient times) to their husbands, strange behavior (described by this term) could've just as easily been caused by the fact women had to be in submission..."

I act silly all the time, when I do she calls me weird. If I didn't act silly, she probably wouldn't call me names. While I have no aspirations to subjugate anyone, there is (I feel) something silly afoot sometimes. Recognizing it is somehow not allowed though.