Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A little bit of this, A little bit of that

It strikes me how similar things can be sometimes. Mark Twain said "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme" I would wholeheartedly agree. Ben Franklin came up with "A stitch in time saves nine." using an analogy based on socks to explain the importance of every day activities and keeping up with responsibilities. I find myself reluctant to accept that I'm repeating the same loop of time over and over like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, but sometimes I feel like it's true. There's a knee-jerk reaction that happens for me when I see the future, when it seems to be similar to the past. I want to defy the future I see, to make a change that will inspire me to make other changes. Now I'm a bit older, there's so much of my past that applies to situations, and I've already taken so many different routes I don't know which to take ever or I can't remember which of them if any panned out for me. When you're growing up decisions are easier, clearer somehow. Instant rewards can be expected, there's a plan. When you get through enough stuff, achieve your "long-term" goals, it's easy to feel knocked off your pedestal. Just know as you are at any time yourself, you're an infant version of the individual you will become and a shell of what you once were.